“Abandon hope all ye who enter here!
S. English lands on The Trilogy Tapes with something truly special. A mix so utterly deranged, blistered and devoid of comfort that we’re still trying to make sense of it all. After stalking the seemingly endless sprawl of outsider artists and splinter cell musicians operating on the fringe of the mail art / audio cassette trading network of the early 80s, English threads together an anxious 90 min trip of raw electronic dread and bombed out drum machine splutter. It’s a jaw-clenching experience that really emphasises how raw, undeniably punk and genuinely avant-garde the home-brewed proto-industrial scene really was. A time where scenes weren’t just a click away or a ‘DM to join’. Participation meant commitment, physical interaction and information exchange. Primitive electronics getting pushed to breaking point and rudimentary sampling, happening in bedroom studios around the world.
For what it’s worth, we don’t recognise a single track here and the track-list kindly provided is of no use. This is sub-sub-subterranean outsider music that requires supreme effort to collect and make sense of. Anyone who’s ever paid attention to any of the Light Sounds Darks stuff, Vox Populi, Vanity Records, Alain Neffe’s Insane Music series or just loves the weirdest most unhinged electronic music must check.”
Thanks, All Night Flight!